Well...after seeing all the great ideas this summer I figured I better catch up with the rest of you! I am joining Tara http://4thgradefrolics.blogspot.com/ for her
My first project which is above was getting bright green bags from Michaels. Those little Monster bags will be my students Birthday Bags for the year. I am filling them with bright green water bottles, pencils a certificate and anything else that I may come across in my travels. Here is a tip..I painted the teeth on with White Out!
I have been seeing the Eye Spy bottles all over Pinterest...so I picked up some rice and some Kool Aid as well as rubbing alcohol and went to town. Once it's dry I will put them in bottles along with Sight Words or Math Problems...the ideas are endless. Then the children twist and turn the bottle around to locate what they are looking for.
Check out Denise over at
she has some additional ways to use these bottles.
I don't know where I found this idea...but thank you. Added Eyes for Reading.
This is my Sweet Seat in the making. trust me...I did not eat all this candy. However I loved this idea. It's a chair awarded to a student for Good Behavior. I was also thinking that on their birthday they could sit in the Sweet Seat. Thank you to....Pinterest....imgur.com
Reading pointers...decorative tape and wooden pieces form Michaels...idea from....
Love how these turned out! I am in the midst of making a few more to put around my classroom. I got the Monster Theme Idea from Amanda over at:
I have been downloading Leveled books throughout the summer. Someone mentioned to use duct tape. Students will be motivated to get to the fancy stuff. Just picked up Angry Birds and some other fun prints. This is a work in progress.
This was found on http://missfrenchfirstgrade.blogspot.com
Monster Eyes to keep the kiddos on track. They have all different types of eyes out since Halloween is around the corner.
This is for my door. The jury is still out regarding Cookie Monster's eyes. I may change them.
I took a boa and a wreath. That's it. Oh and a glue gun.
Last year I literally killed myself making crazy elaborate doors...... that looked like this:
This year I have decided to make a cute wreath each month....and hopefully it will be less stressful.
So sorry for this picture filled post.
It looks like I have 10 Monday Made Its!! Guess I am a week ahead instead of 9 weeks behind!
Holy cow!!! That door is amazing!!! I do love the cookie monster wreath though!
Coffee and Lesson Plans
I would love to eat all that candy for the Sweet Seat!! I'm loving all your Made It's, Debbie! You came up with some really cute stuff!
Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'