Saturday, July 28, 2012

First Day Jitters

Ashley from Fierce in Fourth is having her first Blog Hop. Whether you are a 1st year teacher or a 30 year veteran such as myself, we have all experienced "First Day Jitters." Simply list 3 things you are jittery about. When you are finished link up. Happy "hopping!"

 My Top 3 Jitters: 

1.Over the years I have taught roughly 10-12 children in a Special Ed self contained setting. This year I will be teaching Literacy to 28-30 Special needs students.We are doing a rotating self contained setting. More children,more materials,more parents...hopefully won't mean more headaches!:)

 2.I am a bit jittery about the 3rd person I will be teaming with. She will be teaching the Math piece,while my other partner of 2 years will be teaching the Social Studies/Science piece. How will we make it all work when we will not have common planning,yet we will be considered a "team?" Ugh! My partner and I last year had a wonderful year together..I am hoping and praying for the same this year! 

3.Common Core Standards come to mind for my third jitter. How will we be required to make it work in our classroom? 

Is it really any different than what we have done before? Looking forward to hopping to other blogs to get ideas and hopefully I can add a tidbit or two. How about you? Solutions to my "jitters?"


  1. Hi! I found your blog through the "Jitters" blog hop. I am so happy whenever I find an ESE teacher to follow as I will be teaching ESE this year for the first time. I am now a follower and look forward to learning from you.
    PS - I'd love for you to visit back and check out my blog.

  2. Hi Debbie! Thanks for stopping by my blog hop!

    As far as common planning goes, you guys may just have to set up a time before or after school to meet. I think everything will work out just fine!

    Fierce in Fourth
